2008 Honda Accord Sedan

Written by: Sammy Chan

Photography by: Sammy Chan

若一朝我有幸成為百萬富豪的話, 身邊除定少不了法拉利, 賓利或平治等名貴座駕之外, 車房還會存放一部特別得來但卻非常普通的車輛, 此車便是我十八年前執筆以來最深受愛戴的本田雅廓 Accord. 對我來說, Accord 的新舊交接也是車壇的最大盛事, 所以在前赴哈利法斯市 Halifax 測試全新一代的 Accord 之時, 充滿期待和慾望的心情可說是筆墨所難以形容的.


期望多時的全新 Accord 終於展現在筆者眼前了, 而實物亦比先前照片所見的好看和魁悟得多. 自於 1976 年問世以來, 連同今次的改革, 本田 Accord 已然經歷了七次的重大轉變. 雖然每一次的轉變都會為 Accord 帶來了劇大的變化, 但以進展幅度而言, 今趟應可說是歷年以來變化得最大的一次.


就以身形體格而論, 第八代 Accord 不僅已比舊款大了很多, 無論在軸距, 車長¸ 車闊或身高上, 新 Accord 亦已全面地比豐田 Camry 優勝了. 此外, 廠方雖並沒有把日產 Maxima 列為 Accord 的打擊對象, 但依本人所見, 全新 Accord 從今大可正式向 Maxima 宣戰, 畢竟其車長和車闊亦較諸 Maxima 分別大了 15 mm 以及 25 mm, 而作為 Accord 最大本錢的 3.5 公升 V6 引擎亦在動力輸出方面與 Maxima 不遑多讓.

從尖削形面孔走向方形面孔並不是 Accord 的首次, 但以巨大的銀鍍水箱氣霸來作為車頭標記則是歷史性的創舉, 也改寫了 Accord 予人跑車格調的形像. 氣霸兩旁的大燈設計醒目有神, 散發一股凜然氣勢, 尾燈與車首互相呼應, 而凝聚兩者之間的車側腰線便為新車作下了這個總結: 帶有濃厚歐陸氣質的豪華日本房車.


隨同出現的也有全新的 Accord Coupe, 而 Coupe 的設計亦與四門房車全不相同. 鑒於 Accord coupe 要遲至十月一號才推出市場而 sedan 則於九月尾便已展現, 我們今期便將第一試駕經驗完全集中在四門版本之上, 待日後才為 coupe 來個正面評審.

陣容方面, 新 Accord 共設五款不同型號, 分別為四汽缸款式的 LX, EX, EX-L 以及六汽缸的 EX V6 和 EX-L V6. 截稿時, 廠方仍未透露新車各款售價, 只說範圍約為 $25,000 至 $38,000 左右, 但從各種跡象來看, 新車將會保留現有價位, 務求從豐田 Camry 手中取回昔日曾在此層面上雄霸多年的領導地位.


引擎方面, 最大消息莫過於改用了容積更大的 3.5 公升 V6 引擎, 但往日的四汽缸引擎亦已比前有所改進. 事實上, 四汽缸現有分為兩個版本, 分別為只用於 LX 上的低馬力版以及在 EX 和 EX-L 上所用的高馬力引擎. 雖說是低馬力版本, 但177 匹馬力和 161 磅呎扭力的數據已然比前有所上升. 至於高馬力引擎, 由於使用了高流排氣系統以及重新編寫的控制中樞程式, 這台引擎便擁有高達 190 匹馬力而扭力於 4400 轉時為 162 磅呎. 五前速手排為所有四汽缸款式的標準配塔,附加的自動波箱為五前速設計.


V6 引擎亦有兩種不同的調校, 分別為四門房車和 Coupe 自動波的節約式以及 Coupe 六前速棍波的性能版本, 但在動力輸出方面, 兩台引擎皆有相同數據: 268 匹馬力和 248 磅呎扭力. 節約式套用了本田 Odyssey 的可變汽缸管理科技Variable Cylinder Management VCM, 但 Accord 的則較為先進, 已進展至可依靠三個或四個汽缸行走, 節省燃油之同時亦可保持最佳動力輸出. 廠方資料顯示, 此科技對行走高速公路最為效益, 可將消耗降至 6.7 L/100 km, 但市區則仍為頗高的 11.0 L/100 km. Accord Coupe V6 亦採用相同引擎, 唯獨配六前速手排的 EX-L V6 款式則不設 VCM 系統以加強低至中速扭力的揮發.


上路不消句鐘便已發覺 Accord 車身比前更見紮實. 根據 Accord 首席工程師 Chitoshi Yokota 的解釋, 全新 Accord 原來使用了最新 unit-body frame rail 系統來研製, 也是第一部以此製造的本田車輛. 此外, 高達 48% 的車身是以高強度鋼材來作為原料, 難怪全新 Accord 的抗扭曲能力 torsional rigidity 現已比前強了百分之二十. Accord 亦首次引入了 Advanced Compatibility Engineering 車體結構科技, 進一步提高撞擊抵禦能力.


同級房車中, Accord 向來是筆者最喜歡駕駛的一部, 喜歡它是由於它有傳神的轉向系統以及富有跑格的操控表現, 現今, 全新 Accord 又再一次地在這兩項環節上提高水準. 懸掛設計上, 前懸的雙願骨組合已重新修改, 而後懸則採用了全新設計的組合, 形式雖仍屬多連桿設計, 但已利用新擺佈來增強橫向剛硬度. 轉向使用了全新研製的可變式齒比轉向系統 Variable Gear Ratio 來增強反應能力和豐富的定向感受.


在駕駛和操控感受上, 全新 Accord 依然會為車主帶來高度的駕駛樂趣, 手排波箱的精準暢順度直迫寶馬級數, 而引擎聲線也是依然那麼誘人, 那麼爽朗. 在最基本的 LX 型號上, 四輪碟式煞制現已成為標準裝置而所有款式都一律設有循跡穩定操控系統 VSA, 輪胎尺碼也已全面晉升至 16 寸 (LX) 和 17 寸 (EX, EX-L).


加大了的車身尺碼無疑令 Accord 的內廂容量突飛猛進, 在演變過程中, 後座乘客得益最甚, 不但出入已比前大為好了, 膝位和腳位空間亦比前寬闊不少. 喜見錶板設計仍帶有濃厚的本田味道且注入了不少 Acura 元素, 例如中控台的峽谷式設計便與 Acura MDX 有幾分神似, 正中的操控鈕同樣地凝聚了精密設計心思. 現場所有試車皆為 EX-L 款式, 除配齊真皮電動電熱座椅, 真皮方向盤, 雙室自動恆溫系統以及 270 瓦六碟 CD 兼 XM 音響等等之外, 還附加了衛星導航系統.事實上, 筆者最感興趣的並非這些, 而是非 L 型號所設的布座, 很想知道座椅會不會保持多年來的本田優質水準.


隨同 Accord 是次出現的還有旗織著 "Green, Safe 及 Fun" 的全新 "The Honda Benefit" 號召圖案. 最能標榜此號召的本應為 Accord Hybrid, 然而 Hybrid 已不再復見, 但我深信, 以工程和科技為榮的本田定會為全新 Accord 部署後著, 大家不妨釋目以待吧.


Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Prices for 2008 Accord Sedan & Coupe: 










Accord Sedan


177-hp 4-cylinder





190-hp 4-cylinder





190-hp 4-cylinder




EX-L Navi

190-hp 4-cylinder





268-hp V6





268-hp V6




EX-L V6 Navi

268-hp V6



Accord Coupe


190-hp 4-cylinder





190-hp 4-cylinder




EX-L Navi

190-hp 4-cylinder





268-hp V6




EX-L V6 Navi

268-hp V6




It had always puzzled me as to why the "Barenaked Ladies" would want to buy a K-Car granted it’s a "nice reliant (did they mean Plymouth Reliant literally and figuratively?) automobile" when there were so many dream cars to dream of owning in the event of "If I had a $1,000,000".


You might be similarly surprised to hear that I’d buy myself a Honda Accord if there’s a million dollars coming in my way, but I would not be so simple as to not mention of having a Ferrari or a Bentley calling my name as well. The Honda Accord has been my favorite ever since I was blessed with the fortune of being able to drive any makes of car 18 years ago. Needless to say then, how excited I was while I was on my way to Halifax for the media preview of the all-new Honda Accord this early September.


Time finally came for the real thing which to my absolute delight is much more appealing to the eyes than the pictures I had seen suggested. Since coming into being in 1976, the Honda Accord has gone through seven major remakes including this 8thgeneration right before our eyes. Although each remake of the past had encompassed important changes, it is to my belief that this particular lifecycle makeover might turn out to be the "mother" of all remakes where scale of change is concerned.


That it not only excels but has also done so in leaps and bounds in every physical dimension measurable than the old is a feat that has no comparison. The new generation Accord has also surpassed the Toyota Camry no matter whether it’ll be wheelbase, length, width or height. It has also aligned its bullseye on the Nissan Maxima although the Maxima was never mentioned as the Accord’s main competitors during the media event. After all, it’s bigger than the Maxima both in length and in width by 15 mm and 25 mm respectively. It’s strongest ammunition this round, the 3.5-litre V6 engine also compares favorably with the Maxima in power output terms.


It’s not the first time the Accord has left its wedge shaped face for a squarish front, but sporting the biggest grille ever for an Accord is definitely history in its making. This "silver lining" has also somewhat altered its sporty image to one that relays luxury and grand. On each side of the grille are sharp and bulging headlights, which help to enhance its image of strength and power, the design of the taillights is also well coordinated with the front. Linking the front and the rear is a strong character side line which is heavily European flavored.


Available for preview at the event is also the all-new Accord Coupe and its design is just as markedly different from its 4-door sibling as it had been for the past two generations. As the Accord Coupe will not go on sale till October 1st while the sedan should already be available by the time you read this article, I will save details and road impression of the coupe for a later time and concentrate my efforts here on the sedan.


There are altogether five different trims in the new Accord sedan line-up: LX, EX, EX-L, EX V6 and EX-L V6. Sale prices have not been released by the time this article goes to print, but we were told that its range would be between $25,000 to $38,000. With the Canadian currency at its highest against the US in 31 years and in a quest to retrieve the sales crown from the Toyota Camry, pricing would likely stay very competitive, i.e. much the same as current.


Engine-wise, the biggest news has got to be the adoption of a larger displacement V6 engine. Blame Nissan for starting the trend, the Accord has now followed Nissan Altima and Toyota Camry’s footsteps in its push for power. Much improvement has also been made to the previous 2.4-litre 4-cylinder engine. In fact, there are now two variations of the 4-cylinder engine, a lower horsepower version and a higher output version. Used in the LX, the lower output motor still generates a very respectable 177 horsepower and 161 lb-ft of torque. The higher output version is used in both the EX and EX-L. By using a larger diameter high-flow muffler and reprogrammed Powertrain Control Module, Honda engineers were able to squeeze 13 more horses out of the same engine, bringing its maximum output to 190 hp at 7000 rpm and 162 lb-ft at 4400 rpm.


There are also two different tunes to the V6 engine separately used in Accord sedan and Coupe V6 models equipped with 5-speed automatic transmissions and one that’s unique to the EX-L V6 Coupe with 6-speed manual transmission. Both engines however share similar power output figures: 268 hp and 248 lb-ft of torque. The sedan’s greener version features a more advanced Variable Cylinder Management VCM technology first used in the Odyssey and can operate not only in 3-cylinder mode but also in 4-cylinder mode as well. This makes for a better balance between fuel economy and power delivery. Manufacturer data reveals that with VCM, this V6 can return an estimated fuel consumption of 11.0/100 km City and 6.7L/100 km Highway. To cater to a different audience, the manual Coupe’s V6 uses VTEC valve gear without VCM to enhance low to midrange performance.


It didn’t take me long to find out that body rigidity of the new Accord has been much improved as well, not that the old was much to complain about. Chief Engineer Chitoshi Yokota explained that the Accord is the first Honda to employ a newly developed unit-body frame rail system creating a nearly flat undersurface and resulting in better aerodynamic efficiency. 48% of the body is also made with high-strength steel and coupled with a pioneering body construction method called Advanced Compatibilty Engineering, the all-new Accord has seen significant increases in body strength as reflected by its 20% greater torsional rigidity and 33% greater rear vertical rigidity compared with the 07 model.


When it comes to driving enjoyment, I have always preferred the Honda Accord over other sedans in its segment- for the fluidity and directness of its steering and for the handling feel its chassis transcends. Once again, the all-new Accord has raised its bar to another level. The double-wishbone front suspension has been modified to enhance anti-dive during braking. Rear suspension now utilizes a new compact in-wheel multi-link design and stronger components to provide much greater lateral rigidity than before. More interesting for the tech-minded is the Variable Gear Ratio Steering (VGR) the 2008 Accord brings to its foray. Instead of having a fixed steering ratio, VGR uses a variable mechanical ratio to provide the driver with a more solid on-centre feel as well as better response to steering input.


The all-new Accord is still very much a driver’s car, its 5-speed manual in 4-cylinder models has a smooth fluid action nearly rivaling BMW in feel and its engine is ever so sweet in the way it sings. All-wheel disc brakes are now standard in the LX, Accord’s most basic model. Even better is that all models are now equipped with Vehicle Stability Assist with traction control as standard. Wheel sizes have also gone up with LX wearing 16-inch tires and EX, EX-L wearing 17’s.

Needless to say, it’s the rear passengers who have benefited the most from all the bodily increases. Three football players should come out of the rear quite amicably after a long drive to their venue. The interior and particularly the dashboard have been nicely decked out in typical Honda fashion, adding a sprinkle of Acura-ness for good taste. A great example is the same highly functional and delicately styled center knob as seen in the Acura MDX. All of the testers at the preview are EX-L models and are hence loaded with lots of nice features like heated power leather seats, leather steering wheel, dual zone automatic climate control, 270-watt 6-disc CD audio and XM Satellite radio. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any LX or EX trims for us to preview, otherwise I would have checked out the cloth seats first thing.


Being promoted together with the all-new Accord is a newly designed "The Honda Benefit" logo, aiming to label Honda vehicles as "Green, Safe and Fun". This would be quite fitting for the Accord Hybrid, but as you all know, the Accord Hybrid has since been ruled out with the new redesign. But knowing what Honda is and does, I would not be surprised if there’s a even better and greener technology fuelling Accord down the road. We’ll just have to wait and see.



2800 mm

長 / 闊 / 高

4930 / 1846 / 1476 mm



EX V6, EX-L V6


2.4 公升四汽缸

3.5 公升 V6

最大馬力 – 匹

177 / 6500 rpm (LX)
190 / 7000 rpm (EX, EX-L)

268 / 6200 rpm

最大扭力 – 磅尺

161 / 4300 rpm (LX)
162 / 4400 rpm (EX, EX-L)

248 / 5000 rpm





雙願骨, 圈彈簧, 穩定桿


多連桿, 圈彈簧, 穩定桿


前通風碟後實心碟, ABS


215/60 R16 (LX); 225/50 R17 (其它)

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